Hi guys! Many thanks for stopping by!
I am Krystyna, a founder of 4 International dating blogs. So I am a blogger, author, speaker and coach… Wow, many things 🙂 I am passionate about helping people succeed in International dating!
Many readers ask me: Why did you start your dating blogs? What was happening in your life when you started it?
Find my story below!
My background
Born in Kiev, Ukraine, but raised in the Crimea on the northern coast of the Black Sea, in 2002, I moved to Frankfurt, Germany. In 2010, I earned my Master’s degree in Turkish, English and Italian Studies at the Goethe Univerisity of Frankfurt on the Main.
Also in 2010 I started dating a German guy who became my husband 2 years later. I was confused by intercultural differences so I decided to start put my thoughts and ideas about International dating and relationship together.
As it was very cool to have a personal blog 10 years ago (Instagram did not exist that time!), I found two blogs: Ukrainian dating blog and Ukrainian dating stories.
From 2014 until 2018 I and my family resided in London, UK. In 2018 we moved to a beautiful sunny island Malta. We love our life in the South enjoying sun, sea, delicious food and wine.
A few years ago I started Doves-of-Love.com, initially in English. In 2020, I redesigned the site in German so that I can share my experiences in German as well.
I ultimately found my calling in helping Western men meet outstanding foreign / Ukrainian women.
Having a wide range of interests including Sociolinguistics, Gender Studies, intercultural relationships and online dating makes me, gentlemen, the very best personal International / Ukrainian dating blogger.
International dating blogging is my calling
Putting this knowledge together, I have the ability to understand the challenges of intercultural dating.
Many of my tips and advice is based a lot of my personal experience as I have been in a relationship with a wonderful Western man for over 10 years and have two amazing boys together.
It has not always been easy – our dating, relationship and marriage. But we are working hard to make our family happy and stable. And we still learn how to deal with intercultural differences!
Being a Ukrainian woman, I have a unique ability to understand the cultural differences between Western men and Ukrainian women.
Having lived in Germany, the UK and Malta has given me an eye into the Western mind, allowing to be a great relationship blogger for the Western men who read my blogs.
To keep our relationship and marriage happy and stable we have to work really hard. So I have listened to many relationship podcasts, read a lot of books and articles and talked to many experts. I am very proud that we are together for more than 10 years.

If you are looking to date a beautiful and intelligent Ukrainian woman, then it is a great idea to read through all of Krystyna’s blogs Ukrainian Dating Blog and Ukrainian Dating Stories. The chances are that someone else has been in the exact same situation that you are, and reading Krystyna’s advice is a great way to navigate through the challenges of Ukrainian dating.
Blogger with a lot experience and passion
So, if you would like to date or start off a relationship on the right foot with a foreign woman, just follow my articles on the Ukrainian dating blog and find out what the best ways to court ladies from Ukraine and Russia are.
I have been a dating coach and blogger for over 10 years.
My passion is helping Western guys to start a Ukrainian / Russian dating adventure, not get scammed, find a serious and honest wife for life and deal with intercultural differences in a Ukrainian-Western relationship.
I am happy to share my knowledge about mail order brides from the Ukraine and other countries as this is one of the most common way that foreign women come to the Western world.
There are also online dating and matchmaking services which set up tours and dates for interested men. Most importantly of all, I would like to to give men the best chances to have success finding their dream women.
Speaker at iDate in 2016
In July 2016, I was invited to be a speaker on the iDate, the biggest internet dating industry conference in the world.
I spoke about online dating agency ratings and their impact on revenues. In this challenging session, I discussed the Russian and Ukrainian dating and matchmaking agency market and especially how I rated their services.
The Internet Dating and Dating Industry Conference provides insight into the matchmaking, internet dating and social networking industry. It serves as the industry’s largest event
MY PROFILE: Readers ask Krystyna
What do you do for living? – I have gained my professional experience in marketing, media planning and e-commerce. Since 2019 I am self-employed and blog full-time.
In which countries have you lived? – Quite a few 🙂 I was born in Ukraine. Then I used to lived in Germany, Great Britain, Malta and a few months in Italy.
Your hobbies? – I love:
- Delicious food, wine and prosecco (so I like to cook and then eat my home-cooked food with a glass of wine or prosecco),
- Yoga,
- Travelling and hiking.
What languages do you speak? – Russian (as mother tongue), German, English, Ukrainian and some Italian. At the moment I am studying Portuguese diligently.
Any pets at home? – A dog and 3 water turtles. Actually two dogs as I am fostering my sister’s dog Patrick the pug.
What does your day look like? – I get up at 6.30 every day, even on weekends.
I go for a walk with our dogs Lina and Patrick, and at the weekends I take them to the sea. Then we take the children to school and kindergarten.
I work in my home office. The fist (and most important) thing is to make coffee, lots of coffee. Then I check my emails and make a to-do list for the working day.
I mainly analyse dating websites, write reviews and articles related to dating and relationships in German and English.
I’m active on social media a few times a week – but I have to admit that it’s not my favourite thing to do. 🙂
Describe your daily routine in three words –
- Organisation
- Writing
- Structure
Your life motto – Never give up! 🙂
Do you have the perfect marriage? – There are no perfect marriages. In general, the term “perfect” is very subjective. The main thing is that a marriage brings satisfaction, security and harmony to both partners. And I have them in my marriage.
Get in Touch
For questions, advice & tips please do not hesitate to contact me
Learn more:
- About this site
- Krystyna’s Dating Story
- KRioda.com – Dating Services & Tutorials by Krystyna
Thank you for taking the time to write this information. I am going to Odessa in late March on a romance tour, but I have found myself being vet interested in a girl from another site. We have exchanged 10+ emails and I have even sent her a gift to show my intentions are real. We have only been communicating a month and I told her I mentioned her to my family and friends. I was a bit disappointed when she said she had not saying it was a bit early still, however she did mention she may tell her mother. I sent one more new years gift with flowers. My question is, how long should I wait before she is willing to tell others about me if she is serious in moving to the USA with me and marry me. Also, how often should I email to show interest, but not to overwhelm here. She is very receptive and we have averaged one email per 3 days. That includes to and from…thanks for your advice Krystyna.
Greg. Please don’t take this as a judgement or an insult. You should not be asking one human being when another will be ready to be intimate enough to share her one month communication with her family. Even if this woman lived in the same city as you, it would completely and solely depend on her comfort level and her opinion that she still building about you. Take your time to get to know her for who she is as woman before trying to fast track to the honeymoon. It makes you look like someone that is looking for a position to fill for your needs. I’m not on this site to find anyone, I just happened to stumble across this website and out of curiosity came across your post. I’m honestly not trying to come off as a judgmental ass, but everything about your post made me kinda sad for the present condition of the human race for a brief moment. Other than that, good luck with your search.
Hi Greg,
I can understand you very well – you like her, want to develop your relationship quickly and make plans about your future together. That’s all ok!
Ukrainian women like it slow. We are careful! Above all, you are from America. This is very far from the Ukraine, she is scared because the girl knows that she has no friends there. Of course, the girl will tell her family and friends about you, that she met a wonderful man from abroad (but only if she is ready for that). Is she probably still very young and her mother still plays a very important role in her life?
I would advise you to be patient. You should just develop your relationship slowly and learn to understand each other. One month is very little time.
Patience is very important! 🙂
Krystyna 🙂
Thank you for your comments, I really appreciate them.
Krystyna, I understand I need to slow down. I do have a tendency to move faster than most being 36 and feeling like I know what I’m looking for. I shouldn’t assume anything out of my counterpart and I need to be patient.
I’m sorry “curious” that this would make you feel sad about the current state of the human race. I am just one individual and I appreciate your input as well. Good luck to all searching for their counterpart, it has been a challenging journey for me so far, but one that I will not give up. I will continue learning until I find someone who accepts me and I accept them.
Dear Krystyna,
I just love to read new topics from you blog 🙂
Thank you very much for your great help! I love your free piece of advice. And Ukrainian women are the most beautiful in the world! 🙂
Hi Krystyna,
The way you write, you are really a professional blogger.
Thank you for your job! 🙂
Great information about you and nice discussion among the comments.
I like it! 🙂
Hi Krystyna
I just got back from my first trip to the Ukraine…yes, I say my first trip because I promise I will go again some time, hopefully sooner than later.
Anyways, I’d love to help some guys that are planning on using one of the tour companies; Anastasiadate.com or loveme.com. I come back single as when I left, but I had some great experiences and I have some great photos and a couple of girls personal emails and phone numbers to see if anything can happen between us. My first suggestion before anything else is to take the paid emails with a “grain of salt”, some girls email you or some just have their translator email you. I found out after spending more money than I initially wanted to, but still less than many of the other men on my trip. After meeting 2 girls on my first 2 days and having to pay translator fees of $15/hour, I quickly realized I couldn’t afford to meet women who couldn’t speak some English or at least feel comfortable enough to leave their translators to be with me. It’s a double edged sword because the women are actually recruited by local agencies and then Anastasia contacts their agency to set up a potential date. So, the women are either intimidated by their agency to ensure that they use their translator or unfortunately some girls are in business to pretend they don’t know English to make money(two girls I saw with other men, pretended to not know English, then I saw them each act as a translator for the other). Another trick I saw happen to some men was if they wanted to bring in a girl from out of town, example Nikoaev to Odessa. My friend paid for a one day apartment for the girl and her translator, paid for the taxi drive and worked it out where he wouldn’t have to pay the translator all night because we were going to Club Itaka(too loud to talk anyways). However, he found out the girls took the bus and then on the way to the club the translator argued with my friend and insisted he pay her all night. he ended up doing it, just be careful what you are willing to do. However, Not all girls are in it to make money, there are really some very nice women in the Ukraine. They are really looking for the the same there just as women from anywhere else in the world, they want to get to know you and you shouldn’t expect a kiss or even a hug until a few dates (as I found out, which was fine with me). One girl, I did spend 6 or 7 dates with never asked me for taxi money, translator fees or to take her shopping, or to go to nice restaurants. She is a wonderful girl and I hope she keeps in touch with me. I did surprise her and took her shopping on our last day for new shoes and some clothes and a nice dinner. It felt like a real date and at least a week long relationship. My best advice is to go in with low expectations and to hope for the best… One man on my trip was back on his second trip to take care of the Fiance Visa, receipts and pictures…A side note, They never left their hotel room. So as you can see, there are happy endings in life and the Ukraine after all. Good luck all.