Dear friends,
One of life’s driving instincts is the desire to find happiness in love. Very few people wish for a lonely life. But, what options do you have when you scour the local dating scene and come up empty-handed?
Well, what if I told you about an option you haven’t considered before and the rewards proved to be worth the risk? I’m talking about utilizing online mail order bride services.
And why not? Using this service eliminates many of the problems we have with commonly unfruitful dating methods. And honestly, most foreign women put American women to shame in the sensuality and hot departments. I’m talking about finding both a foreign wife and a lasting relationship with tremendous rewards and benefits. It’s outside the box dating that really works.
World statistics about mail order brides
World statistics show mail order bride services produce an estimated 10,000 marriages annually, 4,000 involving American men. This doesn’t include dating time. Relationships move at the pace those in it set.
That being said, did you know 1 out of every 6 relationships in the U.S. is actually an international one? And moreover, statistics show over 80% of international relationships continuing into marriage do so successfully. Mail order bride marriages have an extremely low rate of divorce, some 20% versus 40% domestically.
Those are good numbers. Even better numbers show only 10% of the women posting mail order bride ads have thus far been successful. Which means, there’s a large ratio still looking and American men have the high ground. Simply put, we look like cake.

Ukrainian brides lead the charge
The online dating forerunners are women of Eastern European descent. Specifically Russian brides and Ukrainian mail order brides. Reports show an estimated 62,000 women from the Ukraine have posted dating site profiles with about 32,000 Russian women following behind. And these women are gorgeous.
However, there are wonderfully exotic Asian (Thai mail order brides, Japanese mail order brides, etc.) and Latin women (Brazilian brides, Mexican brides or Venezuelan brides) available for online dating all over the world. Any taste can be found.
What you need to know about internet brides
What you’d never know experiencing the uneven American dating arena is American women are the least globally desired. The rewards at home are few for American men. But, foreign women want to date American men.
Many extremely beautiful and competent women are online internationally. This is by choice and the numbers support it.
Though it is true, socio-economic hardships do motivate these women to seek a better life through online dating, the women themselves claim to just prefer American men as husbands. Perceptively, we just treat them better.
The American man's perception
When many Ukrainian women abroad were asked why they wanted to marry American men, they replied they wanted to be treated the way they deserve. They can’t find it at home. What makes this relevant is this is exactly what American men say. The feeling is American women are over-spoiled and over-grasping. They’re never content.

Facts about mail order agencies
If anything were to go wrong with initiating an online romance internationally, it begins with poor selections of mail order bride agencies. Great care should be taken when picking one. A good agency should offer a platform for you to talk to women or direct you to one.
When picking a site there are a few things you should look for:
- Is the dating site safe?
- Is the site protected? Both of these can be answered by checking the S.S.L. or security certificate posted on the site.
- Are the women real?
- Is the site scam free?
Trustworthy sites offer protective anti-scam policies. And this why you want a for-profit site. Agencies serve as an international bridge for safe communication and offer translation services. Thus, money goes to the site, not the women.
What next?
After picking a site, set up a profile. Search the sites database for desirable women. Open a line of communication, just as you would in your dating world. If things go well, set a traveling date so you can meet your new flame.
For your own protection, common sense suggests you verify the woman is real first. There are a few ways to do this.
- Google her picture. It shouldn't be all over the internet.
- Insist on video chat.
- Beware requests for money. It's appropriate to send small gifts, not cash advances.
The seedy side of the mail-order bride business
There are always concerns about human trafficking. Rest assured, while this does exist, reputable agencies don’t cater to it. These women are there of there own volition.
Also, lying is a problem straight across the board and it’s hard to fact check a women across the globe. Always confirm their ages.
Some men have complained the relationship changed once their bride arrived stateside. Maybe they discovered she was a nightmarish gold-digger or lacked passion and romance. This could have been avoided with early vigilance during courtship.
Another concern is scam artists. There’s a high presence of online scammers worldwide. Online dating is no different.
Then, isn't it too risky?
The short answer is no. As long as you take common sense measures to protect yourself, you need not fear any of these. Remember, if it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.
A happy ending??
The truth is there are risks in any relationship. This is the nature of the world. But, for love and happiness, perhaps the risks are worth it. It’s up to you to be prudent in all your affairs. Love is no different.
The facts and statistics show many American men have found shared contentment and marital bliss with foreign women. A relationship is what you make it. Make it a point of purpose to assure yours has a happy ending. After all, to be happy in love is our instinctual desire to begin with.
Meet Krystyna, an esteemed international dating expert, blogger, and the founder of Ukrainian Dating Blog. With over 1000 articles published in English and German, she specializes in cross-cultural relationships, prevalent dating topics, and tackling romance scams.
Hello, this may sound like a naive question, but I have to ask:
Why is it that so many Ukrainian women are seeking to marry someone outside of Ukraine? It is a beautiful country, it has a great education system, and life is generally nice.
Yes I know that the economy is not so great, but there are lots of countries all over the world where the economy is not so great either, but the women from those countries are not seeking to leave.
Thanks in advance for your thoughts and feedback.
Hello Daniel,
you are right: Ukraine is a beautiful country with interesting culture and traditions.
I understand your question very well (and it is not naive!!!). Most of the Western men looking for a woman from Ukraine wonder why so many Ukrainian women seek a man abroad. Why cannot Ukrainian men make their women happy?
The Main Reason Why Ukrainian Women Look for Men Abroad
Most women in this day and age want a loving and honest partner that will love them no matter what. It is in a woman’s nature to crave this stability and security, and Ukrainian women are no different. The fact of the matter is that Ukrainian women cannot find loyal relationships in their country, and so they look abroad for a man. Ukrainian women with children are especially prone to problems finding a decent partner (to learn how to date a Ukrainian woman with kids CLICK HERE)
Ukrainian women need a feeling of safety and security, and these are essential things that a Ukrainian man cannot provide for a woman. The men focus on themselves and their needs and wants.
Meanwhile, the woman is left feeling unloved and unappreciated. Women in the Ukrainian rely on dating websites and ads to find a man from abroad that will care for them in the way that they deserve. For most Ukrainian women, this is a last resort to find the man they are looking for.
If they have children, women from the Ukrainian have an even harder time finding a partner. They need someone to provide love for their kids as well themselves, and they feel that they can find this type of man abroad.
Hello again,
Since I just saw this blog for the first time, I didn’t see your other entries. I just found the answer to my question in your other posting that I found here:
Saludos, desde suramérica. En esta parte del mundo los hombres somos muy pegados a la familia, alegres y cariñosos. Y, si me gustaría establecer amistad con lindas mujeres de Ucrania y, tal vez, encontrar entre ellas a la pareja que me hace falta.